
Aptar Among Top 50 Patent Applicants by the French INPI

Aptar has been named among the top 50 patent applicants and holders by the French National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) for the fifth consecutive year.

28 Aug 2024

Aptar has been named among the top 50 patent applicants and holders by the French National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) for the fifth consecutive year and is ranked number 48 in 2023.

Each year, the INPI publishes a list of the top patent applicants and holders in France (Palmarès des déposants et titulaires de brevets à l’INPI). Aptar has been named among the top 50 patent applicants for 5 consecutive years. Aptar stands out as the only company from the packaging sector to be featured on the list.

The recognition reflects the patents filed by Aptar companies in France that contributed to this ranking. This achievement underscores our commitment to innovation and our ongoing efforts to meet the evolving needs of our customers and the market.

About the INPI

The French National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) is responsible for regulating and promoting intellectual property rights in France, including patents, trademarks, and designs. Their annual ranking of top patent applicants and holder is a significant recognition of innovation and technological advancement.

The 2023 edition of the INPI’s ranking of patent applicants and holders celebrates the champions of innovation in France. These companies are distinguished by the significant number of patent filings during 2023 and their robust portfolio of active patents in France for the year. In 2023, the INPI received 15,566 patent applications, marking a 5.6% increase from 2022. This volume is particularly notable as it closely matches the level seen in 2019, prior to the pandemic.

The INPI’s full list of the 2023 Top 50 Patent Applicants and Holders can be found here. To learn more about Aptar’s approach to innovation, please visit

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