Circular Economy

We believe that the packaging industry must move beyond the make/use/dispose behaviors of the past and actively work toward, and advocate for, a circular economy.

Circular Economy Contributions

Partnering for a more sustainable future

We’re working to understand the current landscape within the packaging sector related to circular principles, and we are integrating these principles into our innovation processes.

Collaboration is essential to achieving a more circular economy, so we work with partners, suppliers and customers who share our vision for a more circular economy.

Aptar has joined the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Circular Economy 100 (CE100) Network. Through the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, we’ve signed the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment to address plastic waste and pollution at its source.

We believe we can improve upon what we understand and what we measure, and we have therefore collaborated on several projects in the circular economy space:

  • Lead a recyclability work group with Ellen MacArthur’s CE100 Network
  • Piloted Circulytics, a tool from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation that helps companies assess their circularity
  • Worked in partnership with WBCSD to develop Circular Transition Indicators (CTI), a quantitative framework that provides additional insights into circular performance while creating a common language to use with internal stakeholders and key decision makers in organizations and sectors of all sizes
  • Piloted a Social Organizational Life Cycle Assessment (SO-LCA) tool with the United Nations Environment Programme
  • Worked to develop Water Circularity Metric with WBCSD

What we are learning is informing our own targets and initiatives.

Read Our Latest Sustainability Reports

30 May 2024

2023 Sustainability Report and GRI Index

Publications, Sustainability

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24 May 2023

2022 Sustainability Report and GRI Index


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21 Jun 2022

2021 Sustainability Report and GRI Index

Publications, Sustainability

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26 May 2021

2020 Sustainability Report and GRI Index

Publications, Sustainability

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