Global Debut of Aptar’s Innovative, Non-Detachable Tamper-Evident, and Bi-injected Infant Formula Packaging
Today, safety and quality are parent’s top priority when buying infant formula. To meet the varying needs of consumers, Shijiazhuang Junlebao Dairy Co., Ltd. – one of China’s recognized producers of infant formula – has launched the innovative Youcui brand of premium, organic infant formula. This new brand’s package features a non-detachable tamper-evident tear band that conveys safety and quality, in addition to a sleek, bi-injected closure which makes the package look even more premium, and therefore attracts the eyes of consumers.
Aptar’s non-detachable tamper-evident system features a unique design that makes it is easy for consumers to spot and identify, providing consumers the peace of mind of a safe product. When the product is opened for the first time, the tamper-evident piece drops into a slot within the closure, decreasing the possibility of it falling into the container, and contaminating the product, when compared to detachable tamper evidence systems. This breakthrough system, along with the ergonomically designed opening and audible “click!”, promote a more enjoyable brand and product experience for parents.
Consumers are also concerned with the look of a package. In fact, a Nielsen study from 2019 found that 64% of consumers are just as concerned about the appearance of a product as they are about the quality. Aptar’s bi-injection technology adds a premium appearance to the package, helping to attract the attention of consumers on store shelves. Along with its elegantly simple functionality, the closure is designed to match the overall packaging design, while highlighting the brand image, label, and market position.
Youcui organic infant formula – with its dual-color lid and non-detachable tamper-evidence by Aptar – has set a model in the market, and drawn the attention of renowned dairy enterprises. The first of its kind for Aptar, this solution is leading the way for further innovations in the infant nutrition category.
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