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Exceptional cases for your creations

Aptar Reboul

  • Highest Quality

Delivering the Highest Quality Since 1921

Aptar Chavanod (Reboul) has been recognized as “Living Heritage” by the French Government.

This label is a recognition of unparalleled skills and exceptional made in France production.

Combining tradition with innovation allows us to offer inimitable, custom-made lipsticks.

As proof of our excellence, major lipstick brands have trusted us since 1921.

Aptar Beauty + Home Welcomes Comité Colbert

Aptar Beauty + Home was honored to have recently welcomed Benedicte Epinay, CEO, Comité Colbert* to visit behind the scenes of our Aptar Reboul site as we celebrate 100 years of Aptar Reboul’s “Savoir-Faire” in creating beautiful lipstick cases.

Find out more


A unique combination of expertise

The Aptar Reboul facility masters the complete lipstick production chain, from design to decoration offering a unique expertise on both metal stamping, deep-stamping, and plastic injection.

“A beautiful lipstick case is an object that has meaning and style”

On the lipstick market, what makes lipstick packaging an element of beauty? What story can be told through a lipstick case? Read our interview with Elie Papiernik, designer and co-director at the Centdegrés agency.


Lipstick among an era of circular economy

« With more consumers engaged in waste reduction and circular economy, and more restrictive regulations, key players of the lipstick industry – brands, manufacturers and distributors – strengthen their efforts to tackle the issue of single use packaging. »

After fast food and fast fashion, consumer behaviors are trending toward slower, healthier consumption meant to reduce environmental impact. Consuming less – and consuming better quality – is the standard behind these new “slow” movements, explains Pascale Brousse, Trend Sourcing agency founder and sustainable beauty expert


Overview of more than a century of Lipstick innovation

Aptar Reboul was founded in 1921 and supported many Lipstick innovations. Sandrine Bréchon, R&D Manager, Aptar Reboul, reviews 120 years of lipstick through four major innovations, and considers what tomorrow’s lipstick might be.

“While lipstick was reserved to the elite for thousands of years, it became widespread in the late 19th century when brands like Guerlain began to market their own collections. The pin-up phenomena after WWII made lipstick an extremely popular beauty product.”