Private Refill Lipstick Mechanism

Lipsticks, Non-Guided


Designed for aesthetic and easy-to-use refills that are unique to your brand

Private Refill is a lipstick mechanism ​designed for easy refill in a single clic! With no visible technical parts, Private Refill offers a premium design with a secure and reliable dispensing solution and sustainable features. It is designed and manufactured by our Aptar Beauty experts in our 100-old facility, renowned as “Living Heritage Company” by the French State.

Key Features:​

  • Non-guided mechanism
  • ø 12,7mm bullet, ø 17,4mm outer dimensions
  • Pom free, styrenics free, silicon free
  • Available in EMEA region
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​Why Choose Private Refill?

  • Aesthetic Refill
  • Unique To You
  • Easy Refill
  • 100 Years Of Expertise

Unlike existing refillable lipstick mechanisms, no technical parts are visible with Private Refill. The metal shell hides all components from the ring to the cup for a sleek and premium look.

The Private Refill’s base features a unique security key specific to each brand, meaning the refills cannot be used alone or without the right casing. Standard and custom-made casings are available.​

To refill your lipstick in a single clic, just pull the empty refill out of the base and replace it by plugging the new refill inside until it clics. The gesture is intuitive and easy.

This packaging was designed by the lipstick packaging experts of our French facility, Aptar Chavanod, which has been distinguished as “Living Heritage Company” by the French Government for the excellence of our savoir-faire for the past 100 years.

  • IT Awards MakeUp In Paris 2022

Private Refill has won the Innovation and Trends Award for “Best Innovative Beauty Packaging” at MakeUp in Paris tradeshow in June 2022.

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