Publications, Pharmaceutical

Applying Connectivity to Enhance The Training Standard of Care for Self-Injection

The medical technology industry manufactures more than 500,000 different types of device, devices that are increasingly digitally connected. The resulting Internet of Medical Things, has considerable potential to substantially improve patient compliance and outcomes. This article considers the role of self-injection trainer devices within this contect. Noble, an Aptar Pharma company provides trainer devices for injectables that, thanks to digital connectivity, can provide app-based patient feedback and enable remote healthcare practioner monitoring. The data collected are valuable for asssessing patient technique and adherence. Statistics are presented showing the impact of effective training on patient behaviour and how it can reduce errors. By enhancing training connected devices can help to improve accuracy and patient compliance with self-injected medications.

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Author(s): Erin Miller
1 Jun 2020

This article reviews how connectivity can be used to enhance training to help address the challenges of accuracy and non-adherence when patients self-inject their medications.

Connected medical devices are poised to revolutionize health care and drug delivery.
They represent the future of health care for patients, pharmaceutical companies and HCPs, playing a vital role in the remote tracking and treatment of chronic illnesses, and delivering a range of benefits that include improved drug management, enriched patient experiences and enhanced patient outcomes. Connected devices also create market differentiation and enable value-based contracting.

For patients who self-inject their medications, adherence and satisfaction have long been common concerns due to the lack of adequate training. Nearly half of patients who self-inject receive no training on how to do so properly.

Training devices are critically important for the millions of patients across the globe who live with chronic illnesses. A standard of training must become part of the standard of care to create more confident, healthy – and ultimately, adherent – patients who self-administer their medications.
Connected drug delivery devices can support this standard of care and improve patient health outcomes by addressing the challenges of accuracy and non-adherence. This is a compelling value proposition for all stakeholders – patients, care providers, pharma companies and payers.

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