Classic Cylindrical Flip Top
Closures, Flip Top Round
Personal Care + Home
Classic Design and Convenient Functionality
The Classic Cylindrical flip top is a round closure that is available in a wide range of sizes and finishes (gloss and ribbed). It features a biased hinge which keeps the lid out of way during use, and allows for one-handed dispensing, which results in a a better consumer experience.
Formula Type: Broad range of viscosities (compatibility testing is suggested)
Other Features:
- Clog-resistant orifices available
- Flat-lid designs available for inverted options
- Liner Capable
PCR-Capable: Ask about black stock and custom color options
Our stock black flip top closures in PCR are pre-qualified in alignment with Credo’s Sustainable Packaging Guidelines.
Neck Finish: 20/410, 20/415, 24/410, 28/410, 28/415
Manufacturing Location: United States
Contact Us to Learn More About Classic Cylindrical Flip Top
- PCR Capable
- Easy to Use
Available in Conventional or Sustainable Resin Sources
We offer the broadest range of locally-produced, stock black closures available in up to 50-100% PCR and PCR Plus* domestically sourced by region.
Our PCR-capable packaging and dispensing solutions in North America have achieved an FDA Letter of No Objection.
* PCR% is a blended average dependent on colorants, additives, and sizes.
Functional Design
Both our round and oval flip top designs are made for one-handed dispensing. The biased hinge ensures a cleaner dispensing experience, keeping the lid out of way when in use.
Product Specification Information
Neck Finish: 20/410
Finish Options: Ribbed
Orifice Sizes: .125″. .250″
Sealing System: Crab Claw
Neck Finish: 20/410
Finish Options: Gloss
Orifice Sizes: .062″, .125″, .250″
Sealing System: Crab Claw
Available in up to 100% PCR in Stock Black. Other custom color options in PCR also available.
Neck Finish: 20/415
Finish Options: Gloss
Orifice Sizes: .062″, .125″, .250″
Sealing System: Crab Claw
Neck Finish: 24/410
Finish Options: Gloss Ultra
Orifice Sizes: .062″, .125″, .187″, .250″
Sealing System: Crab Claw
Available in up to 100% PCR in Stock Black. Other custom color options in PCR also available.
Neck Finish: 24/410
Finish Options: Ribbed Ultra
Orifice Sizes: .125″, .187″, .250″
Sealing System: Crab Claw
Available in up to 100% PCR in Stock Black. Other custom color options in PCR also available.
Neck Finish: 24/415
Finish Options: Gloss
Orifice Sizes: .062″, .187″, .250″
Sealing System: Crab Claw
Available in up to 100% PCR in Stock Black. Other custom color options in PCR also available.
Neck Finish: 28/410
Finish Options: Ribbed Ultra
Orifice Sizes: .125″, .187″ .250″, .325″
Sealing System: Crab Claw
Neck Finish: 28/415
Finish Options: Gloss
Orifice Sizes: .062″, .125″, .250″
Sealing System: Crab Claw
Aptar Beauty + Home Becomes the First Packaging Supplier to Pre-Qualify its Sustainable Solutions in Alignment with Retailer Credo’s Sustainable Packaging Guidelines
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